

Page history last edited by Alan Hartley-Smith 6 years, 1 month ago


Marconi House, Strand, London



Electra House

Replacing the original Electra House in Moorgate (the base of the Eastern Telegraph Co.) see note below) this was located on the Victoria Embankment. !t was the headquarters of Imperial and International Communications (which became Cable & Wireless Limited in 1934) and also the Head Office of Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd, and the Marconi International Marine Communication Co, Ltd. circa 1933. In WW2 it was hit by a V1 flying bomb in July 1944, but did not stop daily operations. It continued to be a hub for telecommunications activities when new owners BT Group took over occupation until its final demolition and replacement by a new building.



In 1928 a decision was made to merge the communications methods of the British Empire into one operating company because of increasing competition for cable telegraph companies from companies using radio communications. The British Government formed the Imperial and International Communications Ltd to carry out these operations. The operations merged included those of Eastern Telegraph Co, Western Telegraph Co, Eastern Extension Co, the Pacific and European Co, and Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co, and 8 others, as well as interests in 18 other companies in various parts of the world.



Elettra House Chelmsford 1  2.
















Service Stations and Offices

To provide the necessary equipment services and personnel from the start Service Stations were set up wherever needed in every country concerned, with posted UK and local staff and accommodating seagoing staff as required, together with stores for repairs and upgrades. By the time of publication of the book in 1950 celebrating the Jubilee "Wireless at Sea - the first fifty years" these are listed as numbering over two hundred. From 1911 details of the activities of these together with news of Company developments were published in "The Marconigraph",  for those interested these records are held in the Marconi Archive at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. More details of individual locations from 1947 onwards can be found in the issues of the journal Mariner which can be accessed here.


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